Sudoku Solver
Problem StatementWrite a function that accepts a 2D array representing a Sudoku board, and returns true if it is a valid solution, or false otherwise. The cells of the sudoku board may also contain 0's, which will represent empty cells. Boards containing one or more zeroes are considered to be invalid solutions.
The board is always 9 cells by 9 cells, and every cell only contains integers from 0 to 9.
My Solutiondef valid_solution(board): cols = [0] * 9
#Verify rows & build columns for r_ind, row in enumerate(board): row_total = 0 for c_ind, val in enumerate(row): cols[c_ind] += val row_total += val
if row_total != 45: return False
# Verify columns for col in cols: if col != 45: return False
# Verify subgrids for x,y in [(0,3),(3,6),(6,9)]: for i,j in [(0,3),(3,6),(6,9)]: subset_sum = sum([sum(item[i:j]) for item in board[x:y]]) if subset_sum != 45: return False
return True
Top Best Practicesdef validSolution(board): boxes = validate_boxes(board) cols = validate_cols(board) rows = validate_rows(board) return boxes and cols and rows
def validate_boxes(board): for i in range(0, 9, 3): for j in range(0, 9, 3): nums = board[i][j:j+3] + board[i+1][j:j+3] + board[i+2][j:j+3] if not check_one_to_nine(nums): return False return True
def validate_cols(board): transposed = zip(*board) for row in transposed: if not check_one_to_nine(row): return False return True
def validate_rows(board): for row in board: if not check_one_to_nine(row): return False return True
def check_one_to_nine(lst): check = range(1,10) return sorted(lst) == check
Top Cleverdef validSolution(board): blocks = [[board[x+a][y+b] for a in (0, 1, 2) for b in (0, 1, 2)] for x in (0, 3, 6) for y in (0, 3, 6)] return not filter(lambda x: set(x) != set(range(1, 10)), board + zip(*board) + blocks)